Chapter 2 A New House
Chapter 2 A New House Chapter 2 A New House The road went up a steep hill. Grasshopper climbed to the top. He found a large apple lying on the ground. "I will have my lunch," said Grasshopper. He ate a big bite of the apple. "Look what you did!" said a worm, who lived in the apple. "You have made a hole in my roof!" "It is not polite to eat a person's house," said the worm. "I am sorry," said Grasshopper. Just then the apple began to roll down the road on the other side of the hill. "
Chapter 2 A New House

Chapter 2 A New House

The road went up a steep hill. Grasshopper climbed to the top.He found a large apple lying on the ground."I will have my lunch," said Grasshopper.
He ate a big bite of the apple."Look what you did!" said a worm, who lived in the apple."You have made a hole in my roof!"
"It is not polite to eat a person's house," said the worm.
"I am sorry," said Grasshopper.Just then the apple began to roll down the road on the other side of the hill.
"Stop me! Catch me!" cried the worm.The apple was rolling faster and faster.
"Help, my head is bumping on the walls!My dishes are falling off the shelf!" cried the worm.