Chapter 3 Zam!
Chapter 3 Zam! Chapter 3 Zam! Henry and Annie were eating lunch with Uncle Ed and Henry's parents. "So, Annie, did you see Henry's room?" asked Uncle Ed. Annie nodded. "Did you pet his dog?" Annie nodded again. "Did you watch his fish?" Annie nodded one more time. Henry worried. What if Annie talked about the dog drool and the smelly tank and the dusty cookies? Henry's parents would feel bad. Especially Henry's dad. He was even messier than Henry. His car had a million hamburger w
Chapter 3 Zam!

Chapter 3 Zam!

Henry and Annie were eating lunch with Uncle Ed and Henry's parents.
"So, Annie, did you see Henry's room?" asked Uncle Ed. Annie nodded.
"Did you pet his dog?" Annie nodded again.
"Did you watch his fish?" Annie nodded one more time. Henry worried.
What if Annie talked about the dog drool and the smelly tank and the dusty cookies?
Henry's parents would feel bad. Especially Henry's dad.
He was even messier than Henry.
His car had a million hamburger wrappers on the floor.
But Annie didn't say anything bad.
She didn't say anything at all.
She just cut up her hot dog into tiny pieces and ate quietly.
Henry had not given up.
There must be something they could do together.
"Do you play Frisbee?" he asked Annie.
"No." Annie shook her head. "Want to try?" Henry asked.
Annie thought for a minute. She nodded her head.
"Great!" said Henry.
Outside, Henry stood on one side of the yard and Annie stood on the other.
Mudge stayed in the middle so he could run both ways.
He was pretty good at Frisbee except that he got the Frisbee all wet.
Henry told Annie how to make the Frisbee spin.
He told her not to worry.
He told her it takes a while to get good at Frisbee.
Then he told her to throw the Frisbee to him.
ZAM! The Frisbee whizzed across the yard and into Henry's hands like a rocket.
"Wow!" said Henry. "Wow!" said Annie.
She looked at her hand as if she didn't believe it belonged to her.