Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin
Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin Chapter 1 Watching for Annie One day Henry and his big dog Mudge were standing on their front porch, watching the road. They were watching for Henry's cousin. "Her name is Annie," Henry told Mudge, "and she's spending the night." Mudge scratched an ear. "I've never met her," Henry said. Mudge chewed a foot. "I sure hope she's fun," Henry said. Mudge stretched some bones. While they waited for the cousin
Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin

Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin

Chapter 1 Watching for Annie
One day Henry and his big dog Mudge were standing on their front porch, watching the road.
They were watching for Henry's cousin.
"Her name is Annie," Henry told Mudge, "and she's spending the night."
Mudge scratched an ear. "I've never met her," Henry said.
Mudge chewed a foot. "I sure hope she's fun," Henry said.
Mudge stretched some bones.
While they waited for the cousin Henry gave Mudge a brushing.
Mudge loved brushings. He rolled onto his back.
He hung his paws in the air.
He closed his eyes and made little dog-grunts.
Mudge loved brushings.
And they made him look very nice for company.
Suddenly a car pulled into Henry's driveway.
"Up, Mudge," said Henry. "She's here."
Mudge jumped up. He wagged his tail.