Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble
Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Chapter 1 The Snow Glory When the snow melted and Spring came, Henry and his big dog Mudges stayed outside all the time. Henry had missed riding his bike. Mudge had missed chewing on sticks. They were glad it was warmer. One day when Henry and Mudge were in their yard, Henry saw something blue on the ground. He got closer to it. "Mudge!" he called. "It's a flower!" Mudge slowly walked over and sniffed the blue flower.
Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble

Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble

Chapter 1 The Snow Glory
When the snow melted and Spring came, Henry and his big dog Mudges stayed outside all the time.
Henry had missed riding his bike.Mudge had missed chewing on sticks.They were glad it was warmer.
One day when Henry and Mudge were in their yard, Henry saw something blue on the ground.
He got closer to it. "Mudge!" he called. "It's a flower!"
Mudge slowly walked over and sniffed the blue flower.
Then he sneezed all over Henry, "Aw, Mudge," Henry said.
Later, Henry's mother told him that the flower was called a snow glory.
"Can I pick it?" Henry asked.
"Oh, no," said his mother. "Let it grow."
So Henry didn't pick it.
Every day he saw the snow glory in the yard, blue and looking so pretty.
He knew he shouldn't pick it. He was trying not to pick it.
But he thought how nice it would look in a jar.
He thought how nice to bring it inside.
He thought how nice it would be to own that snow glory.
Every day he stood with Mudge and looked at the flower.