Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers
Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers The Sick Day Henry's big dog Mudge loved Henry's sick days. When Henry had a sore throat or a fever or a bad cough, he stayed home from school in bed. In the morning Henry's mother brought him orange Popsicles, comic books, and crackers. Mudge got the crackers. In the evening Henry's father brought him grape Popsicles, comic books, and crackers. Mudge got the crackers again. Mudge loved sick days. But even t
Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers

Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers

The Sick Day
Henry's big dog Mudge loved Henry's sick days.
When Henry had a sore throat or a fever or a bad cough, he stayed home from school in bed.
In the morning Henry's mother brought him orange Popsicles, comic books, and crackers.
Mudge got the crackers.
In the evening Henry's father brought him grape Popsicles, comic books, and crackers.
Mudge got the crackers again. Mudge loved sick days.
But even though he loved Henry's sick days, no one ever thought that Mudge would get sick.
No one ever thought that Mudge could catch germs.
But he could, and one day he caught a lot of them.
When Henry woke up and jumped out of bed, Mudge didn't move.
He didn't get up. He didn't lick Henry's face.
He didn't even shake Henry's hand, and he always shook Henry's hand in the morning.
He just looked at Henry and wagged his tail a little.
Henry and Henry's mother looked at Mudge and worried.
"Something's wrong,"said Henry. His mother nodded her head.
"Mudge must be sick," said Henry. His mother nodded her head again.
"Mudge," said Henry, "are you just wanting some crackers?"
But Mudge didn't want crackers.
Mudge was sick - and he didn't even read comic books.
The Vet
Henry and Henry's mother tried to put Mudge in the car to go to the doctor.
But Mudge was tired. He didn't want to go.
"Hop in, Mudge," said Henry. Mudge sat down on Henry's foot.
"Hop, Mudge," Henry said again. Mudge yawned and drooled on Henry's hand.
"Bath time, Mudge," Henry said, and Mudge hopped right in the car. They drove to the vet.
Mudge knew the vet - and he didn't want to see her. She made him nervous.
When they walked into her waiting room, Mudge started to shiver and shed.
He did this every time he went to the vet. He shivered and shed.
He always left a bunch of dog hair on her floor.
When it was his turn to see the vet, Henry and Henry's mother had to pull him like a horse into the room.