Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps
Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps To Grandmother's House Henry and his big dog Mudge were going to the country with Henry's parents. Henry was reading comic books. Mudge was chewing his toenails. They were going to visit Henry's grandmother. Henry's grandmother had never met Mudge. So Henry worried. He worried that Mudge might drool on her skirt. He worried that Mudge might eat her coffee table. But mostly he worried that Mudge might
Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps

Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps

To Grandmother's House
Henry and his big dog Mudge were going to the country with Henry's parents.
Henry was reading comic books.
Mudge was chewing his toenails.
They were going to visit Henry's grandmother.
Henry's grandmother had never met Mudge. So Henry worried.
He worried that Mudge might drool on her skirt.
He worried that Mudge might eat her coffee table.
But mostly he worried that Mudge might have to sleep outside.
Mudge had never slept outside before.
And if Mudge slept outside, Henry would be alone,
trying to sleep in an empty room in a strange house in a dark yard in the country.
Henry read his comic books and worried.
The longer he rode, the more he worried.
Soon he began to bite his fingernails.
Chew, bite. Spit. Chew, bite. Spit.
Henry bit his fingernails, Mudge chewed his toenails, and the car drove on.
“Hello, Sweetie”
After riding for a long time, Henry and Mudge saw the grandmother's house.
It had a birdbath and a garden full of corn.
Henry and Mudge looked at each other.
Their fingernails and toenails were very short.
Henry's grandmother came outside.
She had a big smile and a polka-dot dress.
Mudge took one look at her and his tail wagged and wagged and wagged.
“Hello, sweetie,” Henry's grandmother said to Henry.
She hugged him tight.
“Hello, sweetie,” Henry's grandmother said to Mudge.
She hugged him tight.
Henry's grandmother wiped dog drool off her sleeve, and they followed her into the house.
A Lot of Looks
Henry's grandmother's house was very small.
It had a lot of tables, and things on the tables.
Henry looked at Mudge, and for the first time wished that Mudge was smaller.
Shorter. Thinner. Mudge looked like an elephant in a telephone booth.