Blackbeard's Ship
Blackbeard's Ship Blackbeard's Ship All aboard! Welcome to the Queen Anne's Revenge. This ship belonged to the famous pirate Blackbeard. Come aboard and we'll show you around! Weigh anchor! Ship ahoy! Hard to starboard! Shiver me timbers! Blackbeard Blackbeard and his pirate crew attacked ships in the Caribbean Sea 300 years ago. Blackbeard was very tall and VERY scary! Today, when people think about pirates, they often think of pirates like Blackbeard. Blackbeard often wore a tri
Blackbeard's Ship

Blackbeard's Ship

All aboard!
Welcome to the Queen Anne's Revenge.This ship belonged to the famous pirate Blackbeard.Come aboard and we'll show you around!
Weigh anchor! Ship ahoy! Hard to starboard! Shiver me timbers!
Blackbeard and his pirate crew attacked ships in the Caribbean Sea 300 years ago.Blackbeard was very tall and VERY scary!
Today, when people think about pirates, they often think of pirates like Blackbeard.
Blackbeard often wore a tricorn hat and a crimson coat.
There are lots of stories told about Blackbeard.This makes it difficult to tell what is fact and what is fiction.This is what we think we know about Blackbeard...
What was Blackbeard's real name? Edward Teach.
When and where was he born? In Bristol, England, in about 1680.
When and where did he die?
He was captured and killed by Captain Robert Maynard on 22nd November, 1718, in North Carolina, America.
How long was he a pirate for? Only 2 years.
How many ships did he raid? At least 50 ships.
What made Blackbeard so scary? His black beard, of course!
Privateers and pirates
In the time of Blackbeard, many wars were fought over who ruled the seas.When a country went to war, the navy was sent to fight.If there weren't enough ships in the navy, private ships called privateers were sent to attack the enemy.
When a privateer captured an enemy ship the captain was given a reward.He was also allowed to keep any goods stolen from the ship.Blackbeard's first ship was a privateer.
What a great ship!
When the wars ended, sailors who had fought on the privateers had to find other work.Many of them stayed at sea. They carried on attacking ships and stealing their cargoes.Like Blackbeard, they became PIRATES!
Buried treasure
All pirates had one thing in common - they wanted treasure!
Pirate treasure could be gold, silver and jewels.Or it could be sugar, spices and cotton.Pirates also took things such as food and drink, weapons, tools, medicines and spare parts for their ship.
Pirates would divide the booty among themselves.The captain would get the biggest share.
I wonder if Blackbeard buried his treasure?
Coins were popular booty because they were easy to share.In many stories and films, pirates have treasure chests full of pieces of eight.These were silver coins made in Spain and Mexico.
There are lots of stories about pirates burying their treasure and drawing a map to help them find it again.But no one knows if this really happened or not. What do you think?
The best place to spot an enemy ship was from the crow's nest high up at the top of the main mast.On a clear day, a lookout could spot a ship from a long way off.It was a dangerous job because there was a chance you could fall - especially if there was a storm.
This was Blackbeard's flag. Scary isn't it?
A lookout would know who another ship belonged to by the colour or pattern on the flag.
Pirate flags were usually black with pictures of skulls on them.
Other sailors were scared of pirates.They often gave up without a fight when they saw a pirate flag.