Hot Dog
Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Dog was a city dog. He liked the smells of the city. He liked the noise of the city. He liked the hustle and the bustle. He was rough. He was tough. He didn't walk around at the end of a lead. Not for him, the daily run in the park. Not for him, the cute little tricks ... Sit up! Shake hands! Roll over! "I wag my tail for no one!" said Hot Dog to his friends Pooch and Mooch. "And I wag my tail for no one!" barked Pooch, who wanted to be just like Hot Dog, but was a lit
Hot Dog

Hot Dog

Hot Dog was a city dog. He liked the smells of the city.He liked the noise of the city. He liked the hustle and the bustle.
He was rough. He was tough. He didn't walk around at the end of a lead.Not for him, the daily run in the park.Not for him, the cute little tricks ... Sit up! Shake hands! Roll over!
"I wag my tail for no one!" said Hot Dog to his friends Pooch and Mooch.
"And I wag my tail for no one!" barked Pooch,who wanted to be just like Hot Dog, but was a little too short and little too long.
Mooch just said "Woof!" because he couldn't stop wagging his short stumpy tail.It wagged all the time.
Pooch, Mooch and Hot Dog stuck together. They shared their bones.They kept each other warm. They licked each other's wounds.And they shared Mrs. Fortini's meatballs.
Mrs. Fortini loved Hot Dog. She loved Pooch. And she loved Mooch.She wanted to make them her pets. But they wouldn't have it.They were free and they wanted to stay that way.
"If this is a dog's life - then it's a dog's life for me!" said Hot Dog.
"Woof!" said Mooch. "And me!" barked Pooch.
Then something happened which changed everything.
It was a cold, wet winter morning.Mrs. Fortini was just putting out a bowl of hot meatballs for her poochy pals.Hot Dog and Mooch were waiting by her back door.
"Poochie, poochie, poo!" called Mrs. Fortini.
Suddenly Pooch panted around the corner.
"Stray dog catcher!" he barked. "Run for it!"
"Stray dog catcher?" said Hot Dog. "There isn't any stray dog catcher around here!"
"Oh yes there is!" puffed Pooch. "And here he is!"
A van screeched around the corner. A man with a mean, pointy face jumped out.
"You mangy mutts!I'll get you scruffy dogs off our streets or my name isn't Mr. Snatcher the Stray Dog Catcher!"
Hot Dog and Pooch and Mooch ran. Snatcher ran after them.
"Run, Hot Dog! Run!" cried Mrs. Fortini.
"There is no escape from Mr. Snatcher the Stray Dog Catcher!" cried Snatcher.
"That's what he thinks!" barked Hot Dog."Follow me bow-wows! Let's show this Snatcher a few sights of the city!"
They raced through the market stalls. They streaked through a park.
They darted through the traffic. They dashed down dark alleys.
They zoomed in and out of building sites. They run in and out of restaurants.They ran and they ran. But Snatcher was still hot on their tails."There's no escape! I never fail!" cried Snatcher.
Hot Dog, Pooch and Mooch looked over their shoulders."This man is determined!" panted Hot Dog.
"I'm whacked!" panted Pooch. "I'm zonked!" panted Mooch."Don't drop now doggies!" said Hot Dog. "I've got a plan. Head for the Grand Hotel!"
Hot Dog bounded ahead. Pooch and Mooch pounded behind.
"Slow down!" puffed Pooch. "Don't stop now! We're almost there!" barked Hot Dog.
But Snatcher was about to pounce.
"Hot diggity dog! I've got you!" cried Snatcher.
"Not yet Snatcher!" barked Hot Dog. They were almost at the door of the Grand Hotel.
"When I say 'NOW', do what I do!" said Hot Dog.
"NOW!" barked Hot Dog.He stopped right beside a curly white poodle that was standing by the front door of the Grand Hotel.Pooch and Mooch stopped too.Hot Dog put his black nose in the air-just like the curly white poodle.He held his tail very straight in the air just like the curly white poodle.
Pooch and Mooch put their black noses in the air.They held their tails very straight in the air.(Well Mooch tried, but his stumpy tail wouldn't go straight up in the air.)