On Eagle River
On Eagle River On Eagle River Devon helped Grandpa maneuver the canoe into the river. He climbed onto the front seat to steady the boat with his paddle while Grandpa stepped into the rear. As the canoe rocked gently from side to side, Devon clung to the sides, until it stopped. Grandpa gingerly pushed them away from shore with a shove of his paddle against the bank. From overhead, in a towering sycamore tree, an eagle screeched at them and took off with a strong beat of its wings. "I guess he
On Eagle River

On Eagle River

Devon helped Grandpa maneuver the canoe into the river.He climbed onto the front seat to steady the boat with his paddle while Grandpa stepped into the rear.As the canoe rocked gently from side to side, Devon clung to the sides, until it stopped.

Grandpa gingerly pushed them away from shore with a shove of his paddle against the bank.From overhead, in a towering sycamore tree, an eagle screeched at them and took off with a strong beat of its wings.
"I guess he's going fishing, too," Grandpa said. Devon nodded.
Grandpa's canoe slipped through the water as silently as a leaf falls through the air.
This was Devon's first time going fishing with Grandpa, but his older brother Clay had told him all about it.
"Listen to what Grandpa says to do," Clay had warned him, "and watch out for snakes!"
Devon listened carefully to Grandpa's instructions.Sometimes Grandpa wanted him to paddle on the left side of the canoe,and sometimes he wanted Devon to paddle on the right.Sometimes he didn't want Devon to paddle at all. "Lift," Grandpa said.
Devon pulled his paddle out of the water and rested it across his knees, watching drops fall into the still water.Grandpa steered the canoe around a snag in the river.