Oscar Otter
Oscar Otter Oscar Otter Oscar was a young otter. He lived by the side of a pond. With the other otters, he would often play on the otter slide, coming down the bank with a great rush, going SPLASH! into the water. One day, when he was on the slide alone, he came to a corner and SMACK! He ran right into a tree. "What's the big idea?" Oscar asked the beaver. "That tree is in my way." "Sorry," said the beaver, "but winter's coming, and I have to build a house." He b
Oscar Otter

Oscar Otter

Oscar was a young otter.
He lived by the side of a pond.
With the other otters, he would often play on the otter slide,
coming down the bank with a great rush,
going SPLASH! into the water.
One day, when he was on the slide alone,
he came to a corner and
SMACK! He ran right into a tree.
"What's the big idea?"
Oscar asked the beaver.
"That tree is in my way."
"Sorry," said the beaver,
"but winter's coming, and I have to build a house."
He began to chew down another tree.
Oscar told his father what had happened.
"So build another slide," said his father,
his mouth full of fish.
"There are lots of places."
"All right, I will," said Oscar.
"I'll show that beaver.
I'll build a slide that goes way up into their mountains, there."
"I wouldn't do that," his father replied.
"You'll get too far from the water."
"Who needs water?" said Oscar.
"You need water," his father said.
"Other animals will catch you if you go too far away."
But Oscar didn't listen.
He began to build a secret slide.
"I won't tell anyone," he said.
"Then no one can catch me."
He built it up and up
through the woods and into the mountain.
It took a long time.
At the end of each day he would come down the slide.
When, at last, he had built his slide as far as it would go,
he looked around and saw the land below him, spread over like a map.
"This looks interesting," he said. "I think I'll explore."
He started off down the mountain.