Batter Splatter!
Batter Splatter! Batter Splatter! It was Pancake Day at school. Some children from Miss Drake's class were going to make pancakes. "Look at the cook book," said Miss Drake. "What do we need to make pancake batter?" "Eggs," said Ben. "Flour," said Harry. "Milk," said Asha. "Good," said Miss Drake. "Go and get them." Lola and Harry ran over to the table. "Don't run!" said Miss Drake. "We must be careful when we are cooking." The Headteacher looked in the classroom. "This l
Batter Splatter!

Batter Splatter!

It was Pancake Day at school.Some children from Miss Drake's class were going to make pancakes.
"Look at the cook book," said Miss Drake."What do we need to make pancake batter?"
"Eggs," said Ben.
"Flour," said Harry.
"Milk," said Asha.
"Good," said Miss Drake."Go and get them."
Lola and Harry ran over to the table.
"Don't run!" said Miss Drake."We must be careful when we are cooking."
The Headteacher looked in the classroom.
"This looks good," he said."An important visitor is coming to school today.She's coming at ten o'clock.I want her to have some pancakes."
"We'll make our best pancakes!" said Asha.
"Good," said the Headteacher."I will see you later."
Ben was stirring the batter.
"Stir it a bit faster," said Lola."It looks very lumpy."
Ben stirred the batter faster.
Some batter flew out of the bowl.It landed SPLAT on Harry's head.
"Stop it!" said Harry.
"We must be careful when we are cooking!" said Miss Drake.
Miss Drake poured batter into the frying pan.
It was time to toss the pancakes.The children wanted to have a go.
"I'll be careful," said Asha."Here I go. One, two, three..."
Asha tossed her pancake.It flew across the classroom.
The pancake landed SPLAT on the teacher's desk.Then it slid into the bin.
"Oh no," said Asha.
Harry laughed.
"Never mind," said Miss Drake."You can have another go later."
"I want a go," said Harry.
"Be careful." said Miss Drake."The pan is very hot."
Harry tossed his pancake.