Tag: level 26
Oscar Otter
Oscar Otter Oscar Otter Oscar was a young otter. He lived by the side of a pond. With the other otters, he would often play on the...
Chili Pepper Powder Surprise
Chili Pepper Powder Surprise Chili Pepper Powder Surprise The enormous lips tickled Trisha's out-stretched palm, and she smelled a...
Bugaboo The Wicked Witch
Bugaboo The Wicked Witch Bugaboo The Wicked Witch This is Bugaboo. She is a witch. She is a bad witch, very bad! She is a wicked witch!...
Chapter 2 The Lion and the Mouse
Chapter 2 The Lion and the Mouse Chapter 2 The Lion and the Mouse It's a sunny day in the jungle. Some mice are playing and a big...
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables Aesop's Fables Chapter 1 The Hare and the Tortoise One day the hare is talking to his friends. "I'm a very good runner,"...
FIVE Little MONKEYS wash the car
FIVE Little MONKEYS wash the car FIVE Little MONKEYS wash the car The five little monkeys, and Mama, can never drive far in their...
A Big Mess
A Big Mess A Big Mess Carlos had a hard day at school. He felt hot and tired, but finally he was home. As he walked to his room, he...
Cesar Chavez The Farm Workers' Friend
Cesar Chavez The Farm Workers' Friend Cesar Chavez The Farm Workers' Friend From the time he was a boy, Cesar Chavez worked in the...
So Many Cats!
So Many Cats! So Many Cats! We have sister cats and brother cats, father cats and mother cats. How come we have a dozen cats? Here's...
The last Pond
The last Pond The last Pond Chapter 1 Bad News Kenny and Grandfather sat together on the porch. They could hear the frogs singing...
The Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen The Little Red Hen Once upon a time a cat and a dog and a mouse and a little red hen all lived together in a cozy...
SENDING Messages
SENDING Messages SENDING Messages Introduction Have you ever written someone a note? Have you ever sent an email? If so, you were...
Noise in the Night
Noise in the Night Noise in the Night Manuel and Jason put up a tent in Manuel's yard. They put it next to the woods. They put it...
The New Class Pet
The New Class Pet The New Class Pet Dara's teacher stood in front of the class. "I have a surprise for you today, children," said...
THE NIGHT OF THE PUMPKINS THE NIGHT OF THE PUMPKINS Marisa wanted to grow pumpkins, so she read all the books she could find about...
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Chapter 1 Mr. Putter Before he got his fine cat, Tabby, Mr. Putter...