THE NIGHT OF THE PUMPKINS THE NIGHT OF THE PUMPKINS Marisa wanted to grow pumpkins, so she read all the books she could find about them. Marisa was very proud when she checked out books from the library. Marisa wanted to enter the Night of the Pumpkins contest at the fall fair. One Saturday in late spring, Marisa went to the store with Mama to buy pumpkin seeds. "Mama, it rained last night," said Marisa. "Yes, it did," said Mama. "Papa says it's always best to plant after a rain." Maris


Marisa wanted to grow pumpkins, so she read all the books she could find about them.Marisa was very proud when she checked out books from the library.Marisa wanted to enter the Night of the Pumpkins contest at the fall fair.
One Saturday in late spring, Marisa went to the store with Mama to buy pumpkin seeds.
"Mama, it rained last night," said Marisa.
"Yes, it did," said Mama."Papa says it's always best to plant after a rain."
Marisa took three pumpkin seeds to the garden on the side of the house.She had a hoe to dig holes.The soil was wet, but hoeing was still hard work.
When the soil was ready, Marisa planted her seeds in three holes.The holes were each 1 inch deep and 10 feet apart.She carefully dropped one seed into each hole and covered them with soil.
Marisa's dog Pancho began to dig in the pumpkin garden."No, Pancho!" said Marisa. "You can't dig here!"
Marisa was happy when she saw the first green pumpkin plants.Every day she watered her plants just before dinner.Once a week, she weeded and fed the small plants.
Soon the pumpkins started to grow, and Marisa watched them get bigger and bigger.They were round and orange, and their leaves were dark green.
Pancho was going to walk in the pumpkin garden."Come here, Pancho!" said Marisa."Don't step on my pumpkins. You might hurt them!"
All summer Marisa took care of her pumpkins."Which one will be the biggest?" she wondered.She weeded and watered.She didn't let Pancho walk in her garden.
Soon the pumpkins were ready, and one had grown much bigger than the others.Mama and Papa helped Marisa with the biggest pumpkin.First Papa put it in the wagon, and then Mama and Marisa carefully brushed off the dirt."It looks fine," said Papa.
"It should be the biggest pumpkin at the fair!" said Marisa.