Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia
Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia Long ago, Head was all by himself. He had no legs, no arms, no body. He rolled everywhere. All he could eat were things on the ground that he could reach with his tongue. At night he rolled under a cherry tree. He fell asleep and dreamed of sweet cherries. One morning Head woke up and thought, "I'm tired of grass and mushrooms. I wish I could reach those cherries." He rolled himself up a little hill. "Maybe if
Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia

Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia

Long ago, Head was all by himself.
He had no legs, no arms, no body. He rolled everywhere.All he could eat were things on the ground that he could reach with his tongue.
At night he rolled under a cherry tree.He fell asleep and dreamed of sweet cherries.
One morning Head woke up and thought, "I'm tired of grass and mushrooms. I wish I could reach those cherries."
He rolled himself up a little hill."Maybe if I get a good head start I can hit the trunk hard enough to knock some cherries off," he thought.He shoved with his ears and began to roll down the hill."Here I go!" he shouted. Faster and faster he rolled.CRASH! "OW!" he cried.
"Who's there?" someone asked.
Head looked up. Above him swung two Arms he had never seen before.
"Look down here," Head said, "and you'll see."
"How can we look?" asked Arms. "We don't have eyes."
"I have an idea," said Head. "Let's get together.I have eyes to see, and you have hands for picking things to eat."
"Okay," said Arms. They dropped to the ground and attached themselves to Head above the ears.
"This," said Head, "is perfect."
Hands picked cherries, and Head ate every single one.
"It's time for a nap," said Head, yawning. Soon he was fast asleep.
While Head slept, Body bounced along and landed on top of him.
"Help!" gasped Head. "I can't breathe!" Arms pushed Body off.
"Hey," said Body. "Stop pushing me. Who are you?"
"It's us, Head and Arms," said Head."You almost squashed us. Watch where you're going!"
"How can I?" asked Body. "I can't see."