The Popcorn Dancers
The Popcorn Dancers The Popcorn Dancers Chapter 1 Big Joe Joe and Rose's mom was dressed up to go to a banquet. But she couldn't find anybody to stay with the children. "Would you like to visit your grandfather while I go to my formal dinner party?" she asked. Both kids yelled, "Yes!" "You guys sound so agreeable," laughed Mom. "Are you really that happy to get away from me?" "No," said Joe. He hugged his mom tightly. "We just love being Big Joe's guests." "It is always fun visiting
The Popcorn Dancers

The Popcorn Dancers

Chapter 1 Big Joe

Joe and Rose's mom was dressed up to go to a banquet.But she couldn't find anybody to stay with the children.
"Would you like to visit your grandfather while I go to my formal dinner party?" she asked. Both kids yelled, "Yes!"
"You guys sound so agreeable," laughed Mom."Are you really that happy to get away from me?"
"No," said Joe. He hugged his mom tightly."We just love being Big Joe's guests."
"It is always fun visiting Big Joe's cabin," said Rose.
Big Joe's cabin was full of treasures.Whenever Joe and Rose visited him, they started to look for old tools and trinkets.Big Joe called Joe and Rose the "Curiosity Kids."
Big Joe loved his young visitors.He even loved all the questions they asked.
"What's this?" "How does it work?" "Can you show us?"
Big Joe had a special story for every item.And the kids loved to hear each and every story.
Chapter 2 The Popper