The Rescue
The Rescue The Rescue Chapter 1 First Sight Marta wasn't sure at first. She had to get down close to the ground and really look. Yes! There they were - two bright green eyes. She heard a soft mewing. "Look, Julia. A kitten!" she whispered to her older sister. Julia looked too. "I see it! The mother must have left her baby here. Come on. We'd better go inside or we'll be late for school." Marta and Julia saw the kitten as they left school too. There was no mother cat anywhere in sight.
The Rescue

The Rescue

Chapter 1 First Sight

Marta wasn't sure at first. She had to get down close to the ground and really look.Yes! There they were - two bright green eyes. She heard a soft mewing.
"Look, Julia. A kitten!" she whispered to her older sister.
Julia looked too. "I see it! The mother must have left her baby here.Come on. We'd better go inside or we'll be late for school."
Marta and Julia saw the kitten as they left school too.There was no mother cat anywhere in sight.At home Marta told her mother all about it.
Marta's mother said, "Please don't touch that animal, girls.We don't know if it is healthy. It might scratch you if you try to pick it up."
The next morning, Marta and Julia stopped to see the kitten again. "It looks hungry," said Marta.
Marta put some turkey from her sandwich on the ground.The kitten crawled from the bush and ate it all.
Marta said, "I was right. Look at that appetite!I don't have enough turkey to satisfy it. The poor thing needs a home."