Tag: level 78


Chapter 10 Master librarians

Chapter 10 Master librarians Chapter 10 Master librarians Warm air washed over Jack. It felt wonderful. "You have succeeded in your...


Chapter 8 Riddle Solved

Chapter 8 Riddle Solved Chapter 8 Riddle Solved Now only the moon shone on the snow. Jack looked around for the polar bear. She was...


Chapter 7 Spirit Lights

Chapter 7 Spirit Lights Chapter 7 Spirit Lights "Jack, you can get up now," said Annie. Jack opened his eyes. Annie was standing over...


Chapter 9 Oh, No, One More!

Chapter 9 Oh, No, One More! Chapter 9 Oh, No, One More! By the time the dogsled arrived at the tree house, the snowstorm had become...


Chapter 4 Snow House

Chapter 4 Snow House Chapter 4 Snow House The dogsled skimmed silently over the frozen tundra. The seal hunter ran alongside it. Sometimes...


Chapter 6 Flying Bears

Chapter 6 Flying Bears Chapter 6 Flying Bears The cubs whimpered louder. "They want to go to her, but they're afraid of the ice,"...


Chapter 5 You' re It!

Chapter 5 You' re It! Chapter 5 You' re It! The dogs were barking wildly at two small creatures playing in the moonlight. "Polar bear...


Chapter 3 Mash!

Chapter 3 Mash! Chapter 3 Mash! "Did you come with the wolves?" asked Annie. The seal hunter looked puzzled. "Did Morgan send you...


Chapter 2 The Howling

Chapter 2 The Howling Chapter 2 The Howling The air was crisp and cold. Jack and Annie shivered. They looked out the window at a dark...


Chapter 10 After Lunch

Chapter 10 After Lunch Chapter 10 After Lunch Jack opened his eyes. His heart was still racing. Hyena laughter still rang in his ears....


Chapter 9 Tiptoe

Chapter 9 Tiptoe Chapter 9 Tiptoe Jack and Annie crouched in the tall grass. There was a big lion, three lionesses, and a bunch of...


Polar Bears Past Bedtime

Polar Bears Past Bedtime Polar Bears Past Bedtime Chapter 1 Are You Serious? Whoo. The strange sound came from outside the open window....


Chapter 8 Yum

Chapter 8 Yum Chapter 8 Yum The warrior stared back at Jack and Annie. "We were helping one of your honey guides," said Annie. The...


Chapter 7 Hi, There

Chapter 7 Hi, There Chapter 7 Hi, There The forest was cooler than the sunny plains. It was filled with shadows and bird calls. "Where...


Chapter 5 Ha-Ha

Chapter 5 Ha-Ha Chapter 5 Ha-Ha "Oh, no! No! No!" shouted Annie. She raced down the bank, until she reached a sandy, clear spot. "Here!...


Chapter 4 Mud Bath

Chapter 4 Mud Bath Chapter 4 Mud Bath Jack looked over the edge of the riverbank. Annie had fallen into a pool of mud near the water....