The New House
The New House The New House Chapter 1 The Old House Skye sat on the window seat, petting her cat, Sam. Outside, a tire swing hung from an oak tree and swayed in the wind. When Sam was small, he had climbed high in that tree. Dad needed a ladder to get him down. Skye smiled thinking about it. Then she heard Dad calling her to come downstairs. Dad took Skye's hand as they went down the steps to the street. "Forty steps!" he said. "And I never have to shovel them again." Skye just sighed.
The New House

The New House

Chapter 1 The Old House

Skye sat on the window seat, petting her cat, Sam.Outside, a tire swing hung from an oak tree and swayed in the wind.
When Sam was small, he had climbed high in that tree.Dad needed a ladder to get him down.Skye smiled thinking about it.Then she heard Dad calling her to come downstairs.
Dad took Skye's hand as they went down the steps to the street. "Forty steps!" he said."And I never have to shovel them again." Skye just sighed.
At the hardware store, Skye trudged slowly behind Dad.When he asked her to pick a color for her new room, she just shrugged.
Dad looked upset. "I know you're sad about moving," he said."But we want Grandma to come and live with us.Our old house has too many stairs for someone in a wheelchair." Skye gave an unhappy nod.
"Sit a minute," Dad said, "and make a list of the things you think you'll miss most about the old house."He pulled a letter from his pocket so that she could write on the back.
Skye wrote: Things I'll miss: window seat; oak tree; my big room; tire swing