Magic Shoelaces
Magic Shoelaces Magic Shoelaces Matthew! Mother said you are going to be late for play-school! My friends are coming over, and I need to mop this floor. How many times do I have to tell you: hurry up and tie those shoes! I just did, Jessica! They keep coming untied! Well, tie them again! Mother always says, 'Practice makes perfect'. Right over left, left over right, make a loop, circle the loop, under the bridge, pull. There, that should do it! Good-bye, sister. See you later.
Magic Shoelaces

Magic Shoelaces

Matthew! Mother said you are going to be late for play-school!
My friends are coming over, and I need to mop this floor.
How many times do I have to tell you: hurry up and tie those shoes!
I just did, Jessica! They keep coming untied!
Well, tie them again! Mother always says, 'Practice makes perfect'.
Right over left, left over right, make a loop, circle the loop, under the bridge, pull.
There, that should do it!
Good-bye, sister. See you later.
Oh, Nooooo! My shoelaces did it again.
Remember what Mother says...
'Those who do not keep their laces tied will fall down.'
These shoelaces are nothing but trouble.
Hey guys! Take a look at that kid's laces.
Oh, no! Not again!
What are those worms doing crawling out of your shoes?
Can't keep your laces tied! Ha! ha! ha!
I'm sick and tired of lacing and tying.
I don't need shoelaces.
I'll just take them out!
Ahhhh! That's better!
Now what's happening?
I'll have to carry them.
Ooooooooooouch! My poor foot!
Why do shoelaces have to be so much trouble?
I wish…
I wish…
I wish shoelaces would not always come untied.
Magic shoelaces! Step right up!
Magic shoelaces! No more 'Practice makes perfect'.
Guaranteed not to come untied!
Hello there, Sonny. Step right up for magic shoelaces.
I don't have any money, Sir.
You can't buy them, only swap. Mine for yours. Now, hop, hop, hop!
Go ahead and choose, red, yellow, or blue. Satisfaction guaranteed.
My shoelaces for yours? It's a deal, Mister.
In and out, tie them tight: magic laces stay on right!
These laces really are magic!
I have walked all the way to play-school
and they haven't come undone!
Today, children, we will learn to swim.