Big Liam, Little Liam
Big Liam, Little Liam Big Liam, Little Liam This is the story of two boys with the same name. Big Liam used to live with his mum in a flat, just the two of them. His name was Liam Morden back then. He was almost taller than his mum and he called her 'Tiny Tina'! Little Liam Kelly used to live with his dad, Jim, in their house, just the two of them. Every Saturday night they had a takeaway pizza and watched the big football match on telly. Then Liam Morden's mum met Liam Kelly's dad. They
Big Liam, Little Liam

Big Liam, Little Liam

This is the story of two boys with the same name.
Big Liam used to live with his mum in a flat, just the two of them.His name was Liam Morden back then.He was almost taller than his mum and he called her 'Tiny Tina'!
Little Liam Kelly used to live with his dad, Jim, in their house, just the two of them.Every Saturday night they had a takeaway pizza and watched the big football match on telly.
Then Liam Morden's mum met Liam Kelly's dad.They fell in l-o-v-e (the boys didn't like saying that word out loud) and they got married.Everyone was happy except for one thing: Liam Morden became Liam Kelly.
Now there were two Liam Kellys and they didn't even look like brothers!
Having two Liams in the same house caused problems.
In the morning Tiny Tina would shout upstairs, "Hey Liam.Do you need your football kit today?"
"Yes please," one Liam would shout.
"No ta!" shouted the other Liam.
Tiny Tina got very confused!
The worst time was Christmas.Some presents just had 'To Liam' written on them.
"Mine!" one Liam would shout.
"No, mine!" shouted the other Liam.
It was like pulling crackers but not as friendly.
Sometimes it was easy to tell which present was which!Why couldn't each Liam be called something a bit different?
Tiny Tina wanted to call them 'Liam One' and 'Liam Two',but the boys didn't like that.Jim wanted to call them 'Big Liam' and 'Little Liam' but the boys didn't like that either.So they were both called just 'Liam' and sometimes that was confusing.
One morning, Jim was making scrambled eggs on toast.
"You don't like scrambled eggs, do you Liam?" Jim asked.
"Yuk, no thanks," said one Liam.
"You know I do," said the other Liam. Jim was very confused.
Both Liams read the back of the cornflakes packet. There was a competition.You had to paint a picture of a dragon and the first prize was any bike you wanted!
"I saw the competition first!" Liam shouted, pulling at the box.
"No, I did," shouted the other Liam.
"Look, boys," said Jim. "You are both good at painting.You can both enter the competition." "Okay," they both said.
Liam went into the living room to do his painting.He didn't want anyone to see.He painted a red dragon with webbed wings.The only bit of his painting he didn't like was the legs.He just couldn't get them to look right.
The other Liam went up to the bedroom to do his painting.He didn't want anyone to see.He painted a green dragon with long legs.The only bit of his painting he didn't like was the wings.He tried painting them again and again but they still looked like tea trays!