The New Dog
The New Dog The New Dog Cast: Mrs. Chang; Lee Chang; Mr. Chang; Tommy Chang; Donna Chang; Bob the Dog; Cooper, Tommy's friend Setting: The front porch of the Chang home Scene 1 Tommy: Mom! We found a dog! Can we keep him? Mrs. Chang: He may belong to someone. His owners could be anxious to find him. The Dog: (barking) Arf! I like it here! Is there anything to eat? Arf! Cooper: He doesn't have a collar. My mom called the police. No one lost a dog. Tommy: Cooper's mom said they can'
The New Dog

The New Dog

Cast: Mrs. Chang; Lee Chang; Mr. Chang; Tommy Chang; Donna Chang; Bob the Dog; Cooper, Tommy's friendSetting: The front porch of the Chang home

Scene 1
Tommy: Mom! We found a dog! Can we keep him?
Mrs. Chang: He may belong to someone.His owners could be anxious to find him.
The Dog: (barking) Arf! I like it here! Is there anything to eat? Arf!
Cooper: He doesn't have a collar.My mom called the police. No one lost a dog.
Tommy: Cooper's mom said they can't have a dog.Their cat gets really cross when he sees a dog.The policeman said to bring Bob to an animal shelter.