The perfect Ingredient
The perfect Ingredient The perfect Ingredient Less of This and less of That "Kim! Nila! It's dinnertime!" Mom called. "You know what to do!" It was Dad's turn to cook. It was always our turn to set the table. I put out salad. My little sister Nila rolled her eyes. "Salad again," she complained. Spring rain tapped at the windows. I shrugged. There would be salad every night this week. We might have a little meat, sauce, or some noodles. But there was no butter, cheese, or ice cream
The perfect Ingredient

The perfect Ingredient

Less of This and less of That
"Kim! Nila! It's dinnertime!" Mom called."You know what to do!"
It was Dad's turn to cook.It was always our turn to set the table.
I put out salad.My little sister Nila rolled her eyes."Salad again," she complained.
Spring rain tapped at the windows. I shrugged.There would be salad every night this week.We might have a little meat, sauce, or some noodles.But there was no butter, cheese, or ice cream like we used to have so frequently.
"I don't like being hungry," Nila whined.
"We're not really hungry," I said. "There's plenty of food."
But I knew what she meant. Dad had been sick.The doctor said he had to cut out salt and fat.Then Mom said that it would be good for all of us."You don't want to get sick too, Kim," she said.
I did want to be healthy.Plus, it would make Dad if we ate sweets miserable and he couldn't.I'm sure Dad missed the snacks he had eaten before.
Dinner tasted okay.But I still missed mashed potatoes and gravy.I didn't want to make things harder for Dad.But I sure wanted something sweet.
Then I had an idea.I could make a treat that would be good for us.Something like oatmeal cookies with chewy sweet raisins would be good.I could almost taste them now.
I was eager to get started on my tasty dessert.I told Mom about my plan.
"Try the back cabinet.That's where I keep the spices.Let me know if you need help," she winked.