Landon's Pumpkins
Landon's Pumpkins Landon's Pumpkins Planning Landon was carrying the papers, cans, and plastic to the recycle bins after dinner. A bright newspaper ad caught his attention. Get Your Seeds Now for Fall Harvest Bright orange pumpkins, yellow corn, and green beans smiled from the ad. Landon remembered last Halloween. He and Chad, his five-year-old brother, had spent their allowances on two pumpkins. Chad had drawn a scary face on his with markers. Landon had wanted to try carving his own
Landon's Pumpkins

Landon's Pumpkins

Landon was carrying the papers, cans, and plastic to the recycle bins after dinner.A bright newspaper ad caught his attention.
Get Your Seeds Now for Fall Harvest
Bright orange pumpkins, yellow corn, and green beans smiled from the ad.
Landon remembered last Halloween.He and Chad, his five-year-old brother, had spent their allowances on two pumpkins.Chad had drawn a scary face on his with markers.Landon had wanted to try carving his own for the first time.Dad had showed him how to hold the knife and cut safely.Landon had worked on his pumpkin for a long time, but he had really messed it up.It hadn't looked at all like a jack-o'- lantern.He wanted to start over, but he had no other pumpkin to carve.
Landon put the plastics, cans, and papers in the proper recycling bins and hurried to find his father.
“Dad, do you remember that sick-looking jack-o'-lantern I carved last year?”
“Um, I remember.” Dad set his book down as Landon sat on the couch beside him.
“Well, I was thinking, I could use my allowance to buy pumpkin seeds.Then I could grow pumpkins.I'd have enough of them for Chad and me to practice carving.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” Dad said.
“I would need a space in the garden to plant them,” Landon said.
“Oh, I think we can manage that,” Dad said.
The next day, Dad tilled a small patch of ground in the garden.“Get some compost, and we'll mix it in the soil.”
Landon knew that they would need compost to make the plants healthy.All year long, he had put grass clippings, fallen leaves,and fruit and vegetable peels into the compost drum, and then covered each layer with dirt.Dad had told him that this reduced the garbage they sent to the landfill.
After raking the tilled ground, Landon followed the directions on the seed packet.He planted the pumpkin seeds he bought at the store in three little mounds.He planted four or five seeds in each mound.He left an arm's-length space between each mound for the vines to grow.Then he stamped the dirt down with his feet.Finally he got the watering can, filled it with water, and gently sprinkled each mound until the soil was wet.