A Speech to Remember
A Speech to Remember A Speech to Remember Chapter 1 Speech Day I am giving a speech at school today. I've written the speech and I practiced it at home. Now I am standing at the side of the stage, waiting. My legs feel heavy. My head feels light. My stomach is in knots and I want to run away. It is crowded at the side of the stage. The One Voice singers are on first. Four of the singers are huddled together. They are extremely excited. Then there's the fifth member, Della. She is standing
A Speech to Remember

A Speech to Remember

Chapter 1 Speech Day

I am giving a speech at school today.I've written the speech and I practiced it at home.Now I am standing at the side of the stage, waiting.My legs feel heavy. My head feels light.My stomach is in knots and I want to run away.
It is crowded at the side of the stage.The One Voice singers are on first. Four of the singers are huddled together.They are extremely excited. Then there's the fifth member, Della.She is standing by herself. She looks calm as she waits to go on.
I wonder how she stays so calm. I don't know her very well, but I want to ask her.I notice that she is taking slow, deep breaths.
"Are you scared?" I ask.
"Not as scared as I used to be," says Della."When I tried out for One Voice I opened my mouth and ... this weird squeak came out. "Oh no!"
"I tried to swallow, but I had cotton mouth." "What's that?"
"It's when your mouth is so dry it feels like it's stuffed with cotton balls." "What did you do?"
"I took a sip of water. My mouth wasn't so dry, but I was still scared.I wanted to run. But I really wanted to sing, too.I took some deep breaths. Each time I breathed out, I got rid of some fear. "Did it work?" I ask.
"Yes, I won a place in the group. Now, before I go on stage I breathe my fears out."
"I will try that," I say.
Chapter 2 Della's Solo

It's time for One Voice to go on stage.I forget to be nervous as I watch Della. She steps up for her solo.She opens her mouth… but instead of words, she just sings the notes.At first I think it's okay. But I see the others in the group look at each other with wide eyes.Della has forgotten the words!

The song is called We Try Our Best. Della starts to sing:
"We try our best..." She pauses, then carries on.
"We try our best to remember the words, But sometimes the words come out wrong.We try our best to get it just right, But sometimes we mess up the song!Don't stop, just breathe, and keep singing."
The group picks up the cue, joining in and singing Della's new words.