Sue's Humming bird
Sue's Humming bird Sue's Humming bird Sue lives with her family in New Mexico. They are members of the Zuni Indian tribe. They live in a pueblo, which is a village with houses made of sturdy bricks. These bricks are made in a special way and dried in the sun. Sue's house has a flat roof and is next to the Zuni River. Sue's family lives off the land. Dad grows corn and other crops. He plants the corn in the spring and keeps the seeds watered. This is not easy because the land is very dry, so D
Sue's Humming bird

Sue's Humming bird

Sue lives with her family in New Mexico.They are members of the Zuni Indian tribe.They live in a pueblo, which is a village with houses made of sturdy bricks.These bricks are made in a special way and dried in the sun.Sue's house has a flat roof and is next to the Zuni River.

Sue's family lives off the land. Dad grows corn and other crops.He plants the corn in the spring and keeps the seeds watered.This is not easy because the land is very dry, so Dad waters the fields every day.In summer and fall, the corn grows very tall.Sue likes to hide in the cornfields, but Dad always finds her before dark.

Sue loves when it rains. She likes to sit inside and listen to the raindrops.Dad is also glad for the rain because it helps the crops grow.
"Will the corn grow tall and strong this year, Dad?" asks Sue.
"If it keeps raining, it will!" "Has corn always grown here?" asks Sue."Yes, we have always grown crops here. Zunis are good farmers," says Dad.
Sometimes Sue gets to help Mom and Grandma make jewelry to sell to visitors.People come from all over to the pueblo where they live to buy their goods.Grandma also carves little animals out of stones and shells.She adds feathers and beads to them.Zunis believe that these animals will bring good luck.Grandma carves snakes, wolves, birds, and lions.
Today Grandma is carving a new animal.Sue peeks over Grandma's shoulder as she works, her hands making delicate strokes.
"What are you making?" Sue asks.
"A hummingbird," says Grandma. "Do you know the story of the magic hummingbird?"
"No," says Sue. "Tell me, please!"