Chapter 2 The Story
Chapter 2 The Story Chapter 2 The Story One day in summer Frog was not feeling well. Toad said, "Frog, you are looking quite green." "But I always look green," said Frog. "I am a frog." "Today you look very green even for a frog," said Toad. "Get into my bed and rest." Toad made Frog a cup of hot tea. Frog drank the tea, and then he said, "Tell me a story while I am resting." "All right," said Toad. "Let me think of a story to tell you." Toad thought and thought. But he coul
Chapter 2 The Story

Chapter 2 The Story
One day in summer Frog was not feeling well.
Toad said, "Frog, you are looking quite green."
"But I always look green," said Frog. "I am a frog."
"Today you look very green even for a frog," said Toad.
"Get into my bed and rest."
Toad made Frog a cup of hot tea.
Frog drank the tea, and then he said, "Tell me a story while I am resting."
"All right," said Toad. "Let me think of a story to tell you."
Toad thought and thought.
But he could not think of a story to tell Frog.
"I will go out on the front porch and walk up and down," said Toad.
"Perhaps that will help me to think of a story."
Toad walked up and down on the porch for a long time.
But he could not think of a story to tell Frog.
Then Toad went into the house and stood on his head.
"Why are you standing on your head?" asked Frog.
"I hope that if I stand on my head, it will help me to think of a story," said Toad.