Pushing Up the Sky
Pushing Up the Sky Pushing Up the Sky Snohomish The Snohomish people lived in the area of the Northwest that is now known as the state of Washington. They fished in the ocean and gathered food from the shore. Their homes and many of the things they used every day, such as bowls and canoe paddles, were carved from the trees. Like many of the other peoples of the area, they also carved totem poles, which recorded the history and stories of their nation. Pushing Up the Sky is a Snohomish stor
Pushing Up the Sky

Pushing Up the Sky

The Snohomish people lived in the area of the Northwestthat is now known as the state of Washington.They fished in the ocean and gathered food from the shore.Their homes and many of the things they used every day,such as bowls and canoe paddles, were carved from the trees.
Like many of the other peoples of the area, they also carved totem poles,which recorded the history and stories of their nation.Pushing Up the Sky is a Snohomish story carved into a totem pole in Everett, Washington.
Speaking Roles: Narrator, Tall Man, Girl, Mother, Boy,First Chief, Second Chief, Third Chief, Fourth Chief,Fifth Chief, Sixth Chief, and Seventh Chief
Non-Speaking Roles: Animals and Birds.They include dog, deer, elk, goat, lion, rabbit, hawk, eagle, and seagull.
Scenery: The village can be a painted backdrop showing houses among trees.The ocean is in the background.
Costumes: People can wear blankets or towels.Chiefs wear them around their shoulders, and other humans wear them around their waists.The animal characters can wear face paint or masks made from paper plates.
Scene 1: A Village Among Many Tall TreesTall Man, Girl, Mother, and Boy stand onstage.
Narrator: Long ago the sky was very close to the earth.The sky was so close that some people could jump right into it.Those people who were not good jumpers could climb up the tall fir trees and step into the sky.But people were not happy that the sky was so close to the earth.Tall people kept bumping their heads on the sky.And there were other problems.
Tall Man: Oh, that hurt! I just hit my head on the sky again.
Girl: I just threw my ball, and it landed in the sky. I can't get it back.
Mother: Where is my son? Has he climbed a tree and gone up into the sky again?
Boy: Every time I shoot my bow, my arrows get stuck in the sky!
All: The sky is too close!