Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan Paul Bunyan Introduction Have you ever heard of Paul Bunyan? Paul Bunyan is the hero of some very tall tales. These tales were first told a century ago. Tall tales are stories about heroes who do impossible things. Sometimes tall tales explain how something was created or invented. The real brilliance of tall tales is their humor. These tales use exaggerated details to be funny. Paul Bunyan is one of the most famous American tall tale heroes. Paul travels the country with hi
Paul Bunyan

Paul Bunyan

Have you ever heard of Paul Bunyan?Paul Bunyan is the hero of some very tall tales.These tales were first told a century ago.
Tall tales are stories about heroes who do impossible things.Sometimes tall tales explain how something was created or invented.The real brilliance of tall tales is their humor.These tales use exaggerated details to be funny.
Paul Bunyan is one of the most famous American tall tale heroes.Paul travels the country with his blue ox, Babe.Paul and Babe have many adventures and solve many problems.
The stories of Paul Bunyan will surprise and delight you!
Chapter 1 Paul Bunyan Is Born

Paul Bunyan was an enormous baby. Most babies sleep in cribs.Paul was so big that he slept in a wagon.When his parents wanted to rock him to sleep, they had to drive the wagon far from their home and back.
Baby Paul's crying was so loud.He scared all the fish out of the rivers and lakes near his home.His parents had to milk two dozen cows every day to keep his milk bottle full.
The first time Paul Bunyan crawled around, he caused an earthquake!All the neighbors said Paul was such a sweet baby that they didn't mind.
Eventually, Paul Bunyan grew up into a giant man.Paul worked as a lumberjack in the woods.He cut down trees and sawed the trees into logs.Paul was so big and strong, he did as much work as twenty lumberjacks.
Chapter 2 Paul Bunyan Meets Babe

When Paul Bunyan turned 21, the winter was very cold.It was so frigid, or cold, the snow turned blue as it fell from the sky.
Cold didn't bother Paul. The enormous lumberjack still took walks in the woods every day.
Paul was walking one day when he heard an unusual sound.The sound was coming from under the snow.
"I wonder what that sound is," Paul said. He went to find out.
There was a tiny ox under the snow. The ox was as blue as the snow.Paul looked at the ox with affection.
"You look cold and hungry," Paul said to the ox. "I'll take you home."
Paul carried the ox home in his enormous arms.Paul named his new friend Babe.
Soon Babe the blue ox grew big and strong.Paul and Babe became best friends. They traveled everywhere together.