Escape of the Giant Chicken
Escape of the Giant Chicken Escape of the Giant Chicken In this story… Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger were visiting the local city farm. They were the first visitors to get there. "I'm glad we are here early," said Max. "We'll have lots of time to see everything," said Cat eagerly. They stopped at the chicken pen. Ant bought some corn to feed them with. The biggest chicken was called Shelly. As soon as Ant threw down some corn, Shelly darted over and gobbled it up. "She's so greedy," Lau
Escape of the Giant Chicken

Escape of the Giant Chicken

In this story…

Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger were visiting the local city farm.They were the first visitors to get there.
"I'm glad we are here early," said Max.
"We'll have lots of time to see everything," said Cat eagerly.
They stopped at the chicken pen.Ant bought some corn to feed them with.
The biggest chicken was called Shelly.As soon as Ant threw down some corn, Shelly darted over and gobbled it up.
"She's so greedy," Laughed Ant.
"Chickens are boring," said Tiger. "They never do anything exciting."
Tiger looked over the next fence.One of the farm helpers was milking a cow.She asked Tiger if he would like to try. "Yeah!" said Tiger.
Max, Cat and Ant came over to watch.
Tiger sat on a stool next to the cow.The woman showed him what to do.
"Easy!" he said. But it was not as easy as it looked.Instead of hitting the bucket, the jet of milk shot off to one side.SPLAT! It hit Ant on the arm.
"There's something wrong with this cow!" muttered Tiger.
"There's something wrong with the milker!" grumbled Ant. "I'm soaked!"
"Oh, dear," said the woman. "You'll need to wash it off."
The woman helped Tiger back over the fence.She showed the children to the sink and gave them some soap to dean up with.Then she went off to find a towel.
Ant was in a sulk. He went back to look at the chickens.It was just then that his watch began to crackle.Some of the milk had got into his watch!
Suddenly a green beam shot out from Ant's watch towards the chicken pen.It hit Shelly in the chest. "Oh, no!" cried Cat.
Shelly began to grow ... and grow ... and grow!
The giant chicken squawked. Then she flapped out of the pen and over the wall of the farm.The farm backed on to the big park.
"We have to get her back and shrink her," yelled Max, "before anyone sees."
"We have to catch her first!" said Ant.
Shelly was halfway across the park by the time the children got there.