The Girl Who Talked to Animals
The Girl Who Talked to Animals The Girl Who Talked to Animals Arden's Rare Talent Arden had a very rare talent. She could talk to animals, and she could hear them, too. All over town, Arden saw animals doing peculiar things that confused most people. When sheep got thirsty they would hop on their hind legs. The farmers didn't know what was wrong with them. Insects were eating all of the food in the fields. Then the people had nothing left to eat. Friendly dogs would bark until people ran a
The Girl Who Talked to Animals

The Girl Who Talked to Animals

Arden's Rare Talent
Arden had a very rare talent.She could talk to animals, and she could hear them, too.
All over town, Arden saw animals doing peculiar things that confused most people.When sheep got thirsty they would hop on their hind legs.The farmers didn't know what was wrong with them.Insects were eating all of the food in the fields.Then the people had nothing left to eat.Friendly dogs would bark until people ran away.
One day Arden took a long trip to see the king and queen.She wanted to tell them how her talent could help the town.
Arden got to the palace that afternoon.The king and queen wore fancy clothes and gold crowns.Arden explained her plan to them.She was confident that they would like it.
"I can speak with the animals and tell them to behave," said Arden."I can keep them from tearing up gardens and farms.I can tell unpleasant animals to stay far from people.I can even explain why the animals are acting this way."
"She's lying!" said the king."No one can speak with a wild beast."
"That's impossible!" agreed the queen impatiently."Send this foolish girl away."
Arden left the palace.She walked down the busy city streets bustling with birds and animals.Arden stopped to hear what they were saying.
A horse stopped and tugged at its reins.
"Ouch!" Arden heard it say."I have a pebble stuck in my shoe."
The soldier riding the horse did not know why he had stopped.He tapped the horse with his foot, but it stood still."Why are you just standing here?" asked the soldier, tapping it again.
Then a bird flew from the top of a window and cawed loudly.Arden understood that it said, "Stay away from my nest!"The sound scared a baby, making it cry.The bird flew towards the baby's grandfather and tried grabbing his beard."What is wrong with this bird?" he shouted.
"I can help," Arden told the crowd hesitantly."The horse needs a doctor for its hoof.The bird is making a home near those windows.It just doesn't want people near its nest."
The soldier frowned."There's a law against telling lies, little girl," he said. "You had better keep quiet."