Little Ashes - A Native American Cinderella Tale
Little Ashes - A Native American Cinderella Tale Little Ashes - A Native American Cinderella Tale Chapter 1 Little Ashes Once upon a time, there lived a father, who had three daughters. The two older sisters were lazy and mean. They made the youngest sister to do all their work. The youngest sister was as hard working as the other two were lazy. She was as kind as her sisters were mean. The youngest sister spent most of her time cooking and tending the fire. She was covered with ashes fro
Little Ashes - A Native American Cinderella Tale

Little Ashes - A Native American Cinderella Tale

Chapter 1 Little Ashes

Once upon a time, there lived a father, who had three daughters.The two older sisters were lazy and mean.They made the youngest sister to do all their work.
The youngest sister was as hard working as the other two were lazy.She was as kind as her sisters were mean.
The youngest sister spent most of her time cooking and tending the fire.She was covered with ashes from head to toe.The older sisters teased her and called her Little Ashes.
Chapter 2 Strong Wind and Soft Rain

Across the lake lived a powerful hero named Strong Wind.Strong Wind was so powerful that he could make himself invisible.Only one person could see him.That person was his sister, Soft Rain.
Others could only see Strong Wind's footprints and the flap of his wigwam open and close as he walked by.They could never see Strong Wind himself.
One day, Strong Wind said to his sister, "It is time for me to take a wife.If a maiden has a good and kind heart, she will be able to see me.The maiden who can see me is the one I will marry."
The news that Strong Wind would marry spread quickly.Each maiden put on her finest dress and went to see Soft Rain.