So Many Cats!
So Many Cats! So Many Cats! We have sister cats and brother cats, father cats and mother cats. How come we have a dozen cats? Here's how: We had a cat - an Only Cat. She was a sad and lonely cat. So when a very hungry cat came making a great din, meowing, mewing, scratching at our door, we thought this could be the very cat to make our cat a happy cat, and so we let her in - little knowing we were getting more than we had bargained for. Next morning, we found that now this other cat
So Many Cats!

So Many Cats!

We have sister cats and brother cats, father cats and mother cats.How come we have a dozen cats?Here's how:

We had a cat - an Only Cat.She was a sad and lonely cat.

So when a very hungry cat came making a great din,meowing, mewing, scratching at our door,we thought this could be the very cat to make our cat a happy cat,and so we let her in -
little knowing we were getting more than we had bargained for.
Next morning, we found that now this other cat had turned into a mother cat.So instead of two cats we had four! No! ... FIVE!!
Three little kittens very much alive:Fluffy and Muffy and Smoke, plus Tammy, their mammy,and Poke - Poke, once our Only - now no longer lonely - Cat.
Then, a neighbor moving to another city came to chat, she said, and say goodbye.She'd brought her cat.She said that her cat's name was Kitty.Then she began to cry.
The cat was good as gold, she said.But the cat was very old.She said she couldn't take the cat along.Then, about to cry again, she quickly said goodbye again, and left.We said, "So long."
Then we counted our cats to see how many cats we had now:a very old cat named Kitty, Fluffy and Muffy and Smoke, plus Tammy, their mammy, and Poke.Did you count six? So did we.That's not too bad now.