CHAPTER FIVE A Quick Schooling
CHAPTER FIVE A Quick Schooling CHAPTER FIVE A Quick Schooling Later, Solay would consider how she didn't need to think about how to work the Bracelet. She could sense what to do. It was as if it were connected with something deep inside her. It was the same with Swift and Chenille. One minute, they stood in the Advisers' Chambers, and the next minute they stood inside a large, unfamiliar building. Quickly, they tried to assess their destination site. Around them was a large, open corridor. Ag
CHAPTER FIVE A Quick Schooling

CHAPTER FIVE A Quick Schooling
Later, Solay would consider how she didn't need to think about how to work the Bracelet.She could sense what to do. It was as if it were connected with something deep inside her.It was the same with Swift and Chenille.One minute, they stood in the Advisers' Chambers,and the next minute they stood inside a large, unfamiliar building.
Quickly, they tried to assess their destination site.Around them was a large, open corridor.Against one wall stood a large glass case that displayed gold figurines in various poses.Pictures drawn in a child's hand papered the corridors.Rows of doors stretched along the narrow halls.
Suddenly, one of the doors opened, and people came shuffling out.The three friends took cover next to the glass case, pulling down their long sleeves to hide the Bracelets.A woman walked down the hall, trailing a long line of Little Ones, who were chattering and singing.As they walked past, they spotted the trio and pointed, giggling at their clothes.The woman hurried her charges along.