The Mystery Wind
The Mystery Wind The Mystery Wind Land of the Poor The people of Togo were very poor. They struggled to put food on their tables, and they struggled to put clothing on their backs. Their roofs leaked, and cold winds blew through the weak walls of their houses. One young villager tried to help. Her name was Taba. She did what she could to make things better, but she was only one person. And while her deeds were good, they were never enough. "If only I could do more to help my people," she
The Mystery Wind

The Mystery Wind

Land of the Poor
The people of Togo were very poor.They struggled to put food on their tables, and they struggled to put clothing on their backs.Their roofs leaked, and cold winds blew through the weak walls of their houses.
One young villager tried to help.Her name was Taba.She did what she could to make things better, but she was only one person.And while her deeds were good, they were never enough.
"If only I could do more to help my people," she said, "I would be the happiest girl alive."
One day Taba was tending goats high on a hillside above the village.A sudden wind came whistling through the valley.
A Talking Wind
The wind swirled around Taba.It was a warm wind, and it felt good against her skin.Then the wind began to speak to her in very hushed tones.
"Taba," it whispered, "I have come to fulfill your wishes.For weeks, I have blown high over the countryside, and I have watched as you have helped your people.I know how you feel, and I know you want to do more.I can help you."
Taba was startled and a little frightened.She heard the wind's presence, and she felt its presence.But she saw nothing.Was it her imagination? Was she losing her mind?
"Who are you?" Taba asked, with eyes reflecting the fear she felt.
"Don't be frightened," said the wind."I am not the wicked wind of the West.I am not the evil wind of the East.I am not the sly wind of the South.Nor am I the nasty North wind.Rather, I am the gentle wind of charity.I am here to grant you wishes, and I have the power to deliver what you want."
Taba could not believe her ears.A talking wind? How ridiculous, she thought.But what if it is true?What if it can fulfill my wishes and help my people?What have I got to lose in asking for a wish or two?
Taba Makes a Wish
So Taba paused for a moment.She sat and pondered as the wind swirled around her.The warm breeze brushed against her.It tickled and made her giggle, and the laughter put her more at ease.