A Winter Adventure
A Winter Adventure A Winter Adventure CHAPTER 1 Off They Go "What are your plans for today?" Mr. Sanchez asked his son Carlo. "I'm hiking with my nature club," Carlo said, "from the state park entrance to Turtle Lake. Jimmy's father, Mr. Gordon, is going with us." "It's colder than yesterday," his mother said. "Please take your warmest jacket and your gloves." "Hold on," Carlo's father said. "I need to get your warm blue jacket from the storage crate in the attic. Then I'll drop you off
A Winter Adventure

A Winter Adventure

CHAPTER 1 Off They Go

"What are your plans for today?" Mr. Sanchez asked his son Carlo.
"I'm hiking with my nature club," Carlo said, "from the state park entrance to Turtle Lake.Jimmy's father, Mr. Gordon, is going with us."
"It's colder than yesterday," his mother said."Please take your warmest jacket and your gloves."
"Hold on," Carlo's father said."I need to get your warm blue jacket from the storage crate in the attic. Then I'll drop you off."
A short time later, Carlo met up with Mr. Gordon and the other members of the club, Jimmy, Julie, and Tyrone.Mr. Gordon packed them in his van and drove them to the state park.
When they arrived he checked his compass."The old logging trail is somewhere directly west of here," he said.
"This is it," Mr. Gordon said a short time later."We'll follow the trail to the lake."They continued on into the pine forest."Pine trees are my favorite," Mr. Gordon said."They stay green all winter. Also, they saved the early settlers."
"How did they do that?" Tyrone asked.
"The Native Americans taught the settlers how to make pine-needle tea," Mr. Gordon said."It kept the settlers from getting a disease called scurvy."
They had been hiking for an hour or so when Jimmy pointed excitedly ahead.
"Look! There's a roof, or something, fallen sideways on the trail!" he exclaimed."Maybe the house got ruined in a storm."
Mr. Gordon laughed. "That's a lean-to," he said."We'll stop there to rest."
They all sat on a bench in front of the lean-to.
"This is probably the simplest structure known to man," Mr. Gordon said."It's a good shelter during a summer storm.It doesn't give much protection in the winter though."
Just then a gust of wind blew by.
"Whoa. It's getting colder," said Tyrone.
"Yes," said Carlo. "It's colder now than before.Look up! The clouds have covered the sun."
"We still have a long way to go," said Mr. Gordon."We will keep warm by walking."
They started on the trail again. A few snowflakes began to fall.
"It's snowing," Jimmy said. "Maybe we should start back."
"It's just a flurry," said Tyrone.
But a few minutes later, the snow began coming down heavily.