Three Dog Wishes
Three Dog Wishes Three Dog Wishes Chapter 1 A Dog's Treasure Once upon a time, there was a young man who had no family and no job. He was poor and hungry. One day he took a walk through the woods near his town. He heard noises coming from some bushes. He pushed aside the branches. There he found a little dog that had become attached to some vines. The young man helped set it free. Then he gave the dog a few stale pieces of bread that he had in his pocket. He was very surprised when th
Three Dog Wishes

Three Dog Wishes

Chapter 1 A Dog's Treasure

Once upon a time, there was a young man who had no family and no job.He was poor and hungry.
One day he took a walk through the woods near his town.He heard noises coming from some bushes.
He pushed aside the branches.There he found a little dog that had become attached to some vines.The young man helped set it free.Then he gave the dog a few stale pieces of bread that he had in his pocket.
He was very surprised when the dog spoke to him.
"You have been kind to me," said the little dog."In return, I will tell you how to find treasure.Do you see that big oak tree over there?Dig a hole at the base of its trunk."
And with that, the dog disappeared.
The young man wasn't sure what to do.
"I wonder if I can believe that dog?" he thought to himself.But he knew that he had nothing to lose.He went to the tree and started digging.He couldn't believe it when he found a big chest.And he was very surprised when he opened it.It was full of copper, silver, and gold coins!
The young man filled his pockets with money and ran into town.He bought fine clothes and a nice hat and a walking stick.He went to fancy restaurants every day and ate delicious food that cost a lot of money.At night, he slept in the town's fanciest hotels.It was wonderful to be rich!
Chapter 2 The Wishing Bone