Chapter 8 Showing-and-Telling
Chapter 8 Showing-and-Telling Chapter 8 Showing-and-Telling Friday Dear first-grade journal, Today I brought my new glassed to school. They are hiding in my sweater pocket. 'Cause I don't want to put them on, that's why. My stomach is in a knotball. Also, there is tension in my head. We are having Show-and-Tell soon. I wish this day was over. From, Junie B., First Grader Mr. Scary clapped his hands. "Okay, boys and girls. Please put your journals away now. I'll give you more time
Chapter 8 Showing-and-Telling

Chapter 8 Showing-and-Telling
Dear first-grade journal, Today I brought my new glassed to school.
They are hiding in my sweater pocket. 'Cause I don't want to put them on, that's why.
My stomach is in a knotball. Also, there is tension in my head.
We are having Show-and-Tell soon. I wish this day was over.
From, Junie B., First Grader
Mr. Scary clapped his hands.
"Okay, boys and girls. Please put your journals away now.I'll give you more time later if you need it.But right now, we have to get started with Show-and-Tell.Who would like to go first this morning?"
May sprang out of her chair. "I would! I would!" she called out.
Then she quick grabbed a brown envelope out of her backpack.And she ran to the front of the room.
"It's my report card from kindergarten, everyone!" she said real thrilled."I brought my report card to share with you!" May waved it all around in the air.
"Look! Look! Can everyone see this? I got all E pluses!E is for Excellent! See? There's an E plus next to every single subject!"
She held the report card in front of her."Okay. Now I will read you each subject one by one," she said.
After that, she took a deep breath. And she started to read.
"Number one: I followed directions. Number two: I used my time wisely.
Number three: I observed school rules. Number four: I cleaned up my work area.
Number five: I-" Mr. Scary stood up.
"Thank you, May," he said. "That is very interesting.But I'm afraid that we're going to have to move along now and-" May raised her voice.
"Number five: I was courteous and respectful.
Number six: I used materials wisely! Number seven: I-"
Just then, Mr. Scary took May's arm. And he led her back to her seat.
Lennie raised his hand to go next.
He passed around his new styling gel. Plus also, he let us touch his hair.
After that, Sheldon showed us how long he could stand on one foot.
And José sang a song about frogs.
And Shirley showed us her turkey sandwich.She showed us the bread and the mayonnaise and the tomato. Finally, Mr. Scary stood up again.
"All rightie, Shirley. Excellent sandwich," he said."But I really think it should go back in its bag now."
Shirley sat down. Mr. Scary looked around the room.
"Okay. Who wants to go next?" he said. My stomach flipped and flopped.
'Cause a nervous idea popped into my head, that's why.
I looked down at my glasses in my sweater pocket.
Then I swallowed very hard. And I quick raised my hand in the air.
"Me!" I blurted out. "I do!"
Mr. Scary smiled. "Great, Junie B.," he said. "Did you bring something to share?"
I quick pulled my hand down again. "No," I said. "I just changed my mind."
My heart was thumping and pumping. I peeked at my glasses one more time.
Then all of a sudden, my legs stood up. And they rushed me to the front of the room!
My knees were wobbly and shaking.
I bent over and did deep breaths. Mr. Scary came over to me.
"Are you okay, Junie B.?" he asked."Would you like to sit down and wait to do this another day?"
"No," I said. "I want to get this over with."
Then, fast as anything, I reached into my pocket. And I pulled out my new glasses.
May started to laugh. It was loudish and meanish.