Chapter 4 Ooey Gooey
Chapter 4 Ooey Gooey Chapter 4 Ooey Gooey "Eeew! Yuck! It's a worm! It's a worm! Get it off me, grandma! Get it off right now!" I yelled. Grandma Miller quick took back the worm. "For heaven's sake, Junie B. What in the world is the matter with you? It's just a baby earthworm. Look how teeny he is. This little fellow would make a wonderful pet." I did a huffy breath at her. "Yeah, only worms cannot be pets, Grandma. 'Cause pets have fur so you can pet them. And worms just have ooey gooey
Chapter 4 Ooey Gooey

Chapter 4 Ooey Gooey
"Eeew! Yuck! It's a worm! It's a worm!Get it off me, grandma! Get it off right now!" I yelled.
Grandma Miller quick took back the worm.
"For heaven's sake, Junie B. What in the world is the matter with you?It's just a baby earthworm. Look how teeny he is.This little fellow would make a wonderful pet." I did a huffy breath at her.
"Yeah, only worms cannot be pets, Grandma.'Cause pets have fur so you can pet them. And worms just have ooey gooey skin."
Grandma Miller looked surprised at me.
"Don't be silly," she said. "Not all pets have fur.My bird Twitter doesn't have fur, and he's a pet.And goldfish don't have fur. And hermit crabs don't have fur.And lizards don't have fur. And-" I covered my ears with my hands.
"Okay, okay. Enough with the fur," I said."But worms don't have eyes or ears, either.And they don't have legs or tails or feet or necks.And they don't chirp or bark or cluck or meow.And so what kind of stupid pet do you call that?"