Chapter 3 Making a Decision

Chapter 3 Making a Decision Chapter 3 Making a Decision "What do the rules say?" Mandy asked. Elizabeth explained that the project had to follow the Kids Co. mission statement, and the plan had to show how the money would be used. Jason pulled out the Kids Co. mission statement. He read: "Kids Co. participants work together to learn and use the ways of business to run successful projects that benefit the school and community in a positive way." "How will we choose?" said Chris. "We can'


Chapter 3 Making a Decision

Chapter 3 Making a Decision

"What do the rules say?" Mandy asked.

Elizabeth explained that the project had to follow the Kids Co. mission statement,and the plan had to show how the money would be used.

Jason pulled out the Kids Co. mission statement. He read:

"Kids Co. participants work together to learn and use the ways of business to run successful projectsthat benefit the school and community in a positive way."

"How will we choose?" said Chris."We can't draw straws or play Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"We have to operate like a business," Elizabeth agreed.

"How do we do that?" asked Brian.

"We ask the people who elected us," suggested Jason.

"What a great idea," said Mandy. "We'll present our ideas to our stockholders, like a real corporation."Mandy could find the drama in any situation.
