TOFFEE AND MARMALADE TOFFEE AND MARMALADE Chapter 1 "There's only one not taken," said Mrs Tidy. "That one." The tabby kitten was tiny, even for two weeks. A scrap of a thing, with a white face. "Can I pick it up?" asked Nikky. "Better not," said Mrs Tidy. "It's too small yet." Mrs Tidy had seven cats, as well as the mother cat and her four kittens. The room smelt of cats and fish, and Nikky's mother wrinkled her nose. "Perhaps we'll leave it till she's six weeks old. Then we'll come


Chapter 1

"There's only one not taken," said Mrs Tidy. "That one."
The tabby kitten was tiny, even for two weeks.A scrap of a thing, with a white face. "Can I pick it up?" asked Nikky.
"Better not," said Mrs Tidy. "It's too small yet."
Mrs Tidy had seven cats, as well as the mother cat and her four kittens.The room smelt of cats and fish, and Nikky's mother wrinkled her nose.
"Perhaps we'll leave it till she's six weeks old. Then we'll come to collect her -"she began, but Nilcky tugged at her sleeve. "No, Mum," she pleaded.
Please let me come back to play with her.
Nikky didn't care about Mrs Tidy's room smelling of cats and fish. She was crazy about cats.
"I wish we had a house like Mrs Tidy's," she said, as they walked home.
I'd like hundreds of cats."One's quite enough," said Mum. "You'll have to look after it, you know."
"Of course I will," said Nikky. "I know all about worming and grooming, and litter trays and -"
"OK," said Mum, laughing. "I believe you."
They reached their front door. They lived above Jim Mackenzie's corner shop.There was a ginger cat living among the wooden crates on the pavement.
Jim Mackenzie had made a bed for it in a crate marked Best Apples.It wasn't his cat, he explained, but it kept the mice away.
Nikky stooped down to look inside the crate and two large, green eyes stared out at her.
When she had first seen him, the cat had spat at her.Now he knew her, and a purr rumbled in his throat.
Nikky knew better than to stroke him, though.Mum had warned her that stray cats had often been badly treated. They might lash out.
"Poor thing," said Nikky. "I wonder if he's got enough to eat?"
"I expect so," said Mum, opening the door.Given half a chance, she knew that Nikky would bring him tins of cat food every day.
Next day, Nikky went with Mum to buy a collar for her new kitten with her pocket money.When they got back, Nikky looked into the crate as usual.The ginger cat stared out at her, green eyes squinting, and spat.
"That's funny, Mum," said Nikky. "He hasn't done that for ages."
"Got out of his crate the wrong side, I expect," said Mum.