OLIVER OLIVER Some elephants came across the ocean on a ship. They were going to work in the circus. One elephant's name was Oliver. When they landed the circus man counted them: “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten elephants.” “And one makes eleven,” said Oliver. “There must be a mistake. I ordered only ten elephants,” said the circus man. “We don't need eleven.” “I won't take up much room,” said Oliver. “Elephants always do,” said the circus man. “Good-bye


Some elephants came across the ocean on a ship.They were going to work in the circus.One elephant's name was Oliver.

When they landed the circus man counted them:

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten elephants.”

“And one makes eleven,” said Oliver.

“There must be a mistake. I ordered only ten elephants,” said the circus man.“We don't need eleven.”

“I won't take up much room,” said Oliver.“Elephants always do,” said the circus man.

“Good-bye, Oliver,” said the other elephants.“Take good care of yourself.”

Oliver was all alone. He didn't know where to go.

A little mouse came along.“Why don't you try the zoo?” said the mouse.“You look like the type they use there.”“Thanks, I'll go at once,” said Oliver.

“Taxi!” said Oliver.“What you need is a moving van,” said the taxi man.He did not stop.

Oliver followed the cars.The drivers held out their hands when they made a turn.

When Oliver made a turn he held out his trunk.

He saw a woman weighing herself.“My goodness, I'm as heavy as an elephant,” she said.

Oliver got on the scale.“I'm heavy as an elephant, too,” he said.

At last Oliver reached the zoo.“Who is in charge here?” he asked. “I am,” said a man.

“Do you need an elephant?” asked Olive.“I'm sorry, not right now,” said the zoo man.“Thanks anyway,” Oliver said and walked away.

A man was selling peanuts.“May I help you sell them?” asked Oliver.“Would you sell them or eat them?” asked the man.“Eat them,” said Oliver.The man gave him some peanuts for being honest.

Oliver left the zoo. He walked down the street.“Would anyone like to have me for a pet?” he asked.

“I have a parakeet,” said one person.

“I have goldfish,” said another person.

“I have a cat,” said another person.

“I have a duck,” said someone else.

“I'd like a dog for a pet,” said a lady.

“I can pretend I'm a dog,” said Oliver. “All right,” she said.

Oliver and the lady went for a walk. “Bowwow,” said Oliver.

“What a nice dog,” said the people.“He's the biggest dog we ever saw!”“I am hungry,” said Oliver. “Let's go home.”

“Don't you have any hay?” he asked.“No, but I have a nice bone,” said the lady.

“Elephants need hay,” Oliver said.“I guess I can't be your dog after all.But thank you, and good-bye.”“Good-bye,” said the lady.