ANDROCLES AND THE LION ANDROCLES AND THE LION CHAPTER ONE A FRIEND IN NEED In Rome there once lived a slave named Androcles. The master who purchased him treated him poorly. One day Androcles took his few possessions and ran away. In a dark forest, he heard a loud roar. "That sounds like a lion!" he thought. He heard the roar again. Now it sounded more like a moan. In a clearing, he saw the lion. Androcles was frightened. But the lion didn't move. The beast was in pain. Its right paw



In Rome there once lived a slave named Androcles.The master who purchased him treated him poorly.One day Androcles took his few possessions and ran away.In a dark forest, he heard a loud roar.
"That sounds like a lion!" he thought.
He heard the roar again. Now it sounded more like a moan.In a clearing, he saw the lion. Androcles was frightened.But the lion didn't move.
The beast was in pain. Its right paw was bleeding.A large thorn was stuck in it.
Androcles could see that the lion was hurt.Androcles was scared, but he was brave.He walked step by step very slowly toward the lion.The lion didn't roar.He just looked up at Androcles and cried out in pain.
Androcles knew he had to help the lion.
Androcles looked at the lion's paw.He saw the thorn, and he gently pulled it out.Then he tore a piece of fabric from his clothes.He wrapped it around the hurt paw. The lion was grateful.He beamed at Androcles and licked his face.
Androcles patted the lion's mane and said, "Take it easy, and get some rest.Give your paw time to heal. Then you will be fine.You will be able to roam the forests and hunt for your own food once again."
Androcles bid the lion farewell and went on his way.After a long day of walking, he found a cave.He rested his head on a rock. Soon he fell sound asleep.
Androcles hadn't known it, but he had fallen asleep in one of the lion's caves.When he awoke, the lion was standing over him.The lion gave Androcles some food.Androcles hadn't realized how hungry he was.He ate the food and thanked the lion.
Then both Androcles and the lion fell asleep.