Chapter 2 Help from Mr. P
Chapter 2 Help from Mr. P Chapter 2 Help from Mr. P "I am prepared for this test," I kept telling myself as I wandered down the hallway. "I am prepared." Who was I kidding? I might have gone over the material with Mom last night, but I couldn't remember anything at this particular moment. It didn't help that our plane was scheduled to leave in less than 24 hours, so I had way more exciting things on my mind than memorizing a bunch of worthless historical facts. "Hi, Erik." I looked up and saw
Chapter 2 Help from Mr. P

Chapter 2 Help from Mr. P
"I am prepared for this test," I kept telling myself as I wandered down the hallway. "I am prepared."
Who was I kidding? I might have gone over the material with Mom last night,but I couldn't remember anything at this particular moment.It didn't help that our plane was scheduled to leave in less than 24 hours,so I had way more exciting things on my mind than memorizing a bunch of worthless historical facts.
"Hi, Erik." I looked up and saw my history teacher, Mr. P.He was nice, but seeing him was a giant reminder of what was to come - another disastrous test.
"Ready for the big test?" Mr. P. asked with a smile.
I tried to smile back. "Um," I said, "yeah."
Mr. P. frowned, and for a second I thought I had totally blown it."Erik," he said, "why don't you stop by the classroom with me for a minute?"
I gulped. I could think of about 100 reasons that I shouldn't, but I just said "sure" and followed Mr. P. down the hall.