CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5 The next morning, Dink washed his hands and face, then tapped on Sammi's bedroom door. "Rise and shine!" Dink said. "We're having pancakes and sausages for breakfast!" There was no answer. Dink opened the door and peeked in. Sammi's bed was mussed, but he wasn't in it. "Sammi?" Dink said, glancing around the empty room. Where could he be? Dink wondered as he headed down the stairs. "Mom, Sammi's not in his room," Dink said. Dink's mother stopped spooning pancake batte

The next morning, Dink washed his hands and face, then tapped on Sammi's bedroom door.
"Rise and shine!" Dink said. "We're having pancakes and sausages for breakfast!"
There was no answer. Dink opened the door and peeked in.Sammi's bed was mussed, but he wasn't in it.
"Sammi?" Dink said, glancing around the empty room. Where could he be?Dink wondered as he headed down the stairs. "Mom, Sammi's not in his room," Dink said.
Dink's mother stopped spooning pancake batter into a frying pan. "He's not? Where is he?"
"I don't know, Mom." Dink shoved open the back door and looked around the yard. "Not out here either," he said.
As Dink pulled the door shut again, his hand struck something sharp. "Mom, look at this!" he yelled.
The wood around the door lock was shattered. Jagged slivers of wood stuck out.A few wood splinters lay on the floor under Dink's feet.
"Oh, my goodness!" his mother said. "Someone forced the door open!"
She turned and hurried up the hall stairs. Dink followed his mom into the guest room.