MERMAID IN A TEACUP MERMAID IN A TEACUP My name is Hattie MacGruder, and I found a mermaid! I found a real, live mermaid that is only three inches long. I am telling the truth. There are others who are not telling the truth. Sybil and Sarah are liars and fibbers and tellers of untruth. They said that the mermaid was nothing more than a silly toy that wasn't ever alive. They said that I made it all up. That's why they are liars, fibbers and tellers of untruth. I have proof that I fou


My name is Hattie MacGruder, and I found a mermaid!
I found a real, live mermaid that is only three inches long.
I am telling the truth.
There are others who are not telling the truth.
Sybil and Sarah are liars and fibbers and tellers of untruth.
They said that the mermaid was nothing more than a silly toy that wasn't ever alive.They said that I made it all up. That's why they are liars, fibbers and tellers of untruth.
I have proof that I found a mermaid.
The proof is in my diary, and I'm going to let you read it exactly as I wrote it three weeks ago when I found the tiny mermaid.
Special Note: I am only going to show you the parts of my diary that are about the mermaid.I won't let you read that Sarah really didn't go to see the movie Harry Potter with Danny Buckman - she went with her mom,who didn't think she was old enough to sit by herself.And I definitely am not going to let you read about "super equestrian" and Sybil when she fell off her little sister's pony.
So don't think that I'm leaving out something about those fibbers, Sybil and Sarah, when I skip some stuff.
The Proof: Diary, Day 93
Sybil and Sarah are coming over today for our third annual back-to-school picnic.
Hey they're here! I'll write longer later
Diary, Day 93 (continued later)
You will never in a billion years guess what happened.I found a mermaid! She is the coolest little thing you have ever seen.She's only about three inches long and is a real, real mermaid.I dressed her in some Barbie clothes. They fit her perfectly.She didn't need any jeans or anything.
Right now, she is sitting in a teacup filled with water on my bedside table, watching me write.
Wait a minute! I'm getting too far ahead.
The whole thing started when Sybil and Sarah came to get me for the picnic.Ever since we were in the first grade, we have had a picnic on the first weekend after school starts.Now we're third graders, and this time we were going to actually go somewhere besides my backyard.This year, we were supposed to go to River Park.My dad was going to take us, but he got stuck in a meeting or whatever.
None of us wanted to just eat our picnic in my backyard—that is so second grade.Now, the good thing about my yard is that it backs up to the Ledbetters' dairy farm.They have hundreds of acres for their cows to graze on.
At the edge of their pasture is a monstrous boulder called Crying Rock.They call it Crying Rock because water seeps down from the mountain and drips over the rock.It makes the rock look like it is crying.
So we decided to have our annual picnic in the middle of the pasture.Nobody said we couldn't go, even though we've been told not to go through the fence when the cows were in the field.
There weren't any cows out today, and nobody said we couldn't go under the fence.
So we ran all the way to Crying Rock because we didn't want crotchety Mr. Ledbetter to see us.We got the giggles, which didn't help at all.