FOX ON THE JOB FOX ON THE JOB Fox liked to show off for the girls. "Oh, my!" said the girls. One day Fox showed off just a little too much. "Look out!" cried the girls. "Look out!" Fox was saved, but his bike was a wreck. "That's all right," he told the girls. "I'll just ask my mother for a new one." "Now, see here, Fox," said Mom. "I'm not made of money. You will just have to get a job if you want a new bike." "A job!" said Fox. "There must be some other way." And he went to


Fox liked to show off for the girls. "Oh, my!" said the girls.

One day Fox showed off just a little too much.
"Look out!" cried the girls. "Look out!"
Fox was saved, but his bike was a wreck.
"That's all right," he told the girls.
"I'll just ask my mother for a new one."
"Now, see here, Fox," said Mom. "I'm not made of money.You will just have to get a job if you want a new bike."
"A job!" said Fox. "There must be some other way."
And he went to his little sister. "Louise, dear," said Fox.
But Louise would not help.
"I'll scream!" she said. "I won't forget this," said Fox.
"Who needs a bike anyway?" said Fox. Just then Carmen rode by.
"Tra-la!" sang Carmen. "That does it!" said Fox. And he went to look for a job.
Downtown Fox saw a sign in a window.
HELP WANTED! NOW! "I'm in luck," said Fox. He went inside.
"Help is here!" he said. "Not so fast," said the owner.
"Can you sell shoes?" "Of course, I can," said Fox.
"Are you honest?" said the owner.
"Oh, yes!" said Fox. "Well," said the owner. "Let's give it a try.
You can start right away." And he went to eat his lunch.
Fox kept himself busy. "What an easy job," he said.
"Excuse me," said a lady. "Can you help me?"
"That's what I'm here for," said Fox.
"I need some shoes," said the lady.
"Some pretty little pink ones." Fox looked at the lady's feet.
"You can't mean it," he said. "We may not have shoes that big.Those are the biggest feet!" "Well, I never!" cried the lady.
"What seems to be the trouble?" said the owner.
"He said I have big feet!" cried the lady. "There, there," said the owner.
"Your feet are tiny." And he turned to Fox.
"This is not the job for you." "Well, I never!" said Fox.
Fox walked by the amusement park.
"Too bad I don't have money for a few rides," he said.
"I heard that," said Mr. Jones, who ran the park.
"Perhaps you would like a job?" "You don't mean it!" said Fox.
Mr. Jones put Fox to work at the Haunted House.
"What's inside?" said Fox. "Oh, it's very scary," said Mr. Jones.
Fox's first customers were Carmen and her little brother Clark.
"A ticket for the kid," said Carmen. "Aren't you going in?" asked Fox.
"It's not scary enough," said Carmen.
Fox and Carmen waited and waited.
"What's taking that kid so long?" said Fox. "Maybe he got lost," said Carmen.
"Why don't you go inside and look for him?"
"I beg your pardon?" said Fox. "You aren't scared, are you?" said Carmen.
"Me, scared?" said Fox. And he went into the Haunted House.
Inside it was really something.