BRAVE SETTLERS IN A STRANGE LAND BRAVE SETTLERS IN A STRANGE LAND As Tommy, Lisa, and Grandpa stood on the ferry, a voice called out over the loudspeaker. "Welcome to New York Harbor's Ellis Island. Ellis Island was the port of entry for millions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s." Grandpa had told Tommy and Lisa stories about his grandmother, who came to Ellis Island from Europe. Now they were going to visit the island with him! Birds were swooping and drifting throu


As Tommy, Lisa, and Grandpa stood on the ferry, a voice called out over the loudspeaker."Welcome to New York Harbor's Ellis Island.Ellis Island was the port of entry for millions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s."
Grandpa had told Tommy and Lisa stories about his grandmother, who came to Ellis Island from Europe.Now they were going to visit the island with him!
Birds were swooping and drifting through the air above the harbor.Their glaring eyes watched the ferry as it passed by.Tommy and Lisa stood by the ferry railing and listened as Grandpa spoke.
"When I was a child my grandmother told me many stories about coming to America," Grandpa said."She told me about all of the different people who immigrated.They came from many different backgrounds.It was hard for them to leave their homes and come to a strange new land.But they came! They worked hard to make lives in America.
"Most people in the United States have family roots in other parts of the world," Grandpa said."That's why America has been called a 'melting pot.'
"These days," he added, "immigrants aren't expected to give up their cultures to fit into society as was expected earlier.People are more respectful of immigrants' different traditions.But when my grandmother came to America, she had a hard time.Immigrants faced a lot of prejudice because they were different. They struggled to fit in.Can you imagine what it was like?"
"Grandpa, your head is in the clouds," Lisa said with a giggle."Please pay attention. It's time to leave the ferry!"
Tommy, Lisa, and Grandpa joined the looping line of people.When they reached the bottom of the ferry ramp,Grandpa led them over to a park ranger who was about to start a tour.
"Hello, everyone, and welcome to Ellis Island," said the park ranger."We start our tour today at the American Immigrant Wall of Honor.
"This wall honors everyone who has immigrated to America through Ellis Island.It also honors people who immigrated through ports in Boston,Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco, Miami, and New Orleans."
The park ranger gave them a moment to think about all of America's immigrants."Now, let's move on to the main building," he said.