The Lost Dog
The Lost Dog The Lost Dog "I can't believe the weekend is over already," Sam said. "Thanks for inviting Buddy and me up to your cabin. We had a great time!" "I did too. I can't believe my parents are packing the car to go home already," said Alan. "It was fun having you here. And Buddy never ran out of things to sniff!" Buddy yipped and went back to sniffing the ground. Suddenly, the reeds by the bank of the mountain stream made a whooshing sound. A rabbit bounded out and scampered right i
The Lost Dog

The Lost Dog

"I can't believe the weekend is over already," Sam said."Thanks for inviting Buddy and me up to your cabin. We had a great time!"
"I did too. I can't believe my parents are packing the car to go home already," said Alan."It was fun having you here. And Buddy never ran out of things to sniff!"
Buddy yipped and went back to sniffing the ground.
Suddenly, the reeds by the bank of the mountain stream made a whooshing sound.A rabbit bounded out and scampered right in front of the boys!
"Wow!" Alan exclaimed. "That rabbit ran by so fast! I almost missed it!"
"It must have been taking a drink in that gully next to the stream," Sam said. "We probably startled it."
Buddy had seen the rabbit too. His yips changed to a loud bark.The rabbit disappeared into the tall grass, and Buddy ran after it. His tail wagged excitedly.
"Wait, boy! Buddy, come back!" Sam shouted.But the dog didn't return.The boys could not see him anymore.Sam ran after Buddy, and Alan headed back to the cabin to get his dad.
"Buddy!" Sam called over and over."Buddy! Come back, boy! It's time to go home!"But the only thing Sam heard was his own voice as it echoed off the mountain.
Alan and Mr. Hall made their way through the tall grass.They caught up with Sam at the edge of the mountain forest.
"Sam, it looks as though Buddy is far ahead of us," said Mr. Hall.
"Well, how do we get through this underbrush?" Sam asked."I'm sure that Buddy is somewhere in the forest!"
"The brush is too thick, Sam," said Mr. Hall gently."We'd have to be Buddy's size to move around safely in there."
"So what do we do?" Sam asked. He was trying not to panic.
"We can wait here awhile and see if Buddy comes back," said Mr. Hall.