HARRY and the Lady Next Door
HARRY and the Lady Next Door HARRY and the Lady Next Door The Party Harry was a white dog with black spots. He loved all his neighbors, all except one. He did not love the lady next door. The lady next door sang. She sang high and loud. When she sang, Harry's ears hurt. She sang higher than the peanut whistle. When she sang, the peanut man put his hands over his ears. She sang louder than the siren on the fire engine. When she sang, the firemen put their hands over their ear
HARRY and the Lady Next Door

HARRY and the Lady Next Door

The Party
Harry was a white dog with black spots.
He loved all his neighbors, all except one.
He did not love the lady next door.
The lady next door sang. She sang high and loud.
When she sang, Harry's ears hurt.
She sang higher than the peanut whistle.
When she sang, the peanut man put his hands over his ears.
She sang louder than the siren on the fire engine.
When she sang, the firemen put their hands over their ears.
She sang higher and louder than the cats sang.
When she sang, the cats ran away.
Harry tried everything to make her stop.
He howled under her window.
His friends howled too. But it did not do any good.
The lady next door went on singing.
She sang higher and louder than ever.
One day Harry's family gave a party.
They invited the lady next door.
She came with her music.
When she started to sing, Harry almost bit her leg.
But he bit the leg of the piano instead.
The family sent Harry out of the room.
"You are a bad dog," they said.
Harry just wagged his tail.
As he walked to the door some people said, "Poor Harry."
But others whispered, "The lucky dog!"
When Harry pushed the door open the wind blew in.
It blew the pages of music off the piano.
They blew all around the room.
Everyone tried to catch the music but no one could.
The pages blew out the door and into the garden.
They blew over the fence and up into the trees.
Harry caught some of the pages but he did not bring them back.
He ran away with them.
Harry's First Try
He ran until he came to a quiet spot.He dropped the music and lay down.Soon he fell asleep.
In a little while, something woke Harry up.
All around him were cows mooing.
They mooed very low notes. Harry listened.
He thought the cows made beautiful music.
He had never heard anything so soft and low.
He wished the lady next door would sing like the cows.
Suddenly Harry had an idea.
He rounded up all the cows. He barked at their heels.
Down the road they went. Harry barked and the cows mooed.
They ran on and on.
They ran down the main street of town.
They passed the school, the library and the fire house.
When they came to Harry's house the lady was still singing.
Harry ran ahead and stopped the cows.
They went on mooing. They mooed and mooed and mooed.
They all mooed soft and low.
The cows mooed for a long time but it did not do any good.
The lady next door went on singing.
She sang higher and louder than ever.
Harry's family called the man who owned the cows.
He came and took them home.
That night, Harry slept in the dog house.
Harry's Second Try
The next day the lady next door sang some more.Harry's ears hurt more than ever. He went for a walk.