The Mona Lisa Mystery
The Mona Lisa Mystery The Mona Lisa Mystery Between the years 1503 and 1506, the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci worked on a painting that would become one of the most famous paintings in the world. It is called the Mona Lisa. Until recently, there were few certain facts known about the woman in the painting - or about her life. Her real identity had remained unproven. Many people thought that she lived in the town of Florence, Italy, where Leonardo also lived. Others believed that he painted
The Mona Lisa Mystery

The Mona Lisa Mystery

Between the years 1503 and 1506, the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci worked on a paintingthat would become one of the most famous paintings in the world.It is called the Mona Lisa.
Until recently, there were few certain facts known about the woman in the painting - or about her life.Her real identity had remained unproven.Many people thought that she lived in the town of Florence, Italy, where Leonardo also lived.Others believed that he painted it by copying the parts of several different people.Some people even thought that the artist just imagined her in his mind.
New evidence supports the long-held belief that she was a real person and her name was Lisa.The evidence also shows that both Lisa's family and her husband, a wealthy silk merchant in Florence, knew Leonardo's father.
The small painting has been hanging in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, for over 200 years.Every day, visitors come to stare at her mysterious smile and her eyes.They try to imagine what she was thinking about as she posed.Artists looked closely to see what special skills Leonardo used to make her hands look so natural.How did he create the shadowy background behind her?
But in 1911, another mystery about the Mona Lisa was created.One day, the painting disappeared and didn't come back for over two years.
On August 22nd, 1911, an artist named Louis came to the Louvre Museum to study and copy the Mona Lisa,as artists and students were allowed to do.It was a Tuesday, which is important because on Monday the museum was closed.
Louis entered the room where the Mona Lisa had always hung.But the painting wasn't there. Had someone moved it? He waited for a while.Then he asked a guard to please go and ask about it.When the guard came back, he had very bad news.
The Mona Lisa was missing.
The police were called. They searched every room. Soon, they had Clue Number One.The Mona Lisa's wooden frame was found near the stairs.
The police questioned every person who worked at the museum.They felt sure that the theft had occurred on Monday, when the museum was closed.They guessed that the thief had been a museum laborer.Or had he just dressed as one - so no one would notice him?